At only two months away, my departure date is slowly creeping up on me. I enrolled in my classes for the Fall 2012 quarter at California State University - San Bernardino last week. I have decided to take Drawing, Ceramics, and 3-D design, which add up to a little less of a course load than I had originally planned in order to allow some time to adjust to my new surroundings. I am incredibly excited to get started!
Last week, the idea struck me to ask artist Jen Stark if she would need any intern help in LA in the fall. She is moving to LA around the same time as I plan to, and often posts about intern opportunities in Florida on her Twitter account. I sent her a quick message and am absolutely delighted to share that I will have the chance to assist her in LA as she prepares for a show at the Martha Otero Gallery in September. My excitement about my move is now multiplying exponentially. What an incredible blessing all of this has turned out to be! I am so grateful for all of the encouragement I have received. I just want to high-five everyone within sight!
I have started a few creative projects since the semester's end, which I plan to upload very soon. I have a few things I would like to source out before my move, one of which being a new camera so that I may better document my adventures this year. Great things seem to be in store and I encourage all of you to take a chance on something in your own life! At 24, I may be finally over the fear of hearing the word "no." I hope to spend less time worrying and more time actively pursuing my goals. Don't let the hard parts slow you down!